Say g'day to the Earlywork crew 👋

The Team


Current Gig: Product @ Atlassian

  Likes: Making musical noises with my mouth, sustainability, and evangelising text expanders.

  Alternative Career: Farmer

  Favourite Quote: "Stop dreaming, start memeing."


Current Gig: Growth @ Una Brands

  Likes: Chucking on a cheeky podcast, Ted Lasso and self help books.

  Alternative Career: Psychologist

  Favourite Quote: "Porque no las dos."


Current Gig: Product @ Finder

  Likes: Piano, CrossFit and good coffee.

  Alternative career: Concert Pianist

  Favourite Quote: "Just keep swimming."

Our journey & vision 💡

Earlywork launched in September 2020 as a newsletter curating the best early-career roles in tech & startups, after several peers expressed frustration at not having an easy place to find these roles.  

We started to curate career resources and interviews with young founders & operators, hoping to create more visibility of emerging career paths in this area.

  As things started to take off, we discovered a gap in the social fabric for young people keen on tech & startups in ANZ.   That's why we launched a dedicated Slack community in April 2021 to create stronger conversations between the next generation of founders & operators.   So as time has gone on, the Earlywork suite of products has expanded. Content continues to be our bread and butter, the community is fast-growing and we are really excited to make a splash in the job-seeking journey with our talent & job listings product.  

We are driven by enabling young folk to find meaningful work and be the change they want to seek in the world. Challenging the careers of today. Creating the careers of tomorrow.  

Let's shape the future of work together. 🚀  

What keeps us going

Finding your life's work

The average person spends over 900,000 hours at work. Damn that's yonks. We want to normalise finding meaningful work on problems worth solving.


Telling untold stories

We go bonkers for unconventional career paths, whacky startup ideas and those challenging the status quo. We want to tell the world and inspire to take the road less travelled.

Levelling the playing field

We reckon everyone should get a fair go. Creating free career resources and democratising insider knowledge to create a more equitable workforce of tomorrow.

Values by Earlywork

  There are many ways to shoot for a mission and vision, but your values as a company define what you build, who you hire, what decisions you make and more.   And equally important is the path you deliberately don't pursue, even if a viable business opportunity exists.   That's why before publicly launching our evolution, we came together post-lockdown in the Royal Botanic Garden of Sydney to spar as a team on the values that define the way we create and collaborate.   For more on how we defined our values, check out our post here.

Chase The Long Tail

We believe that every young person deserves a meaningful career.   Earlywork will always strive to democratise critical career information and resources for young people looking to solve unsolved problems, regardless of their background or journey so far.

The World Is Our Team

We are fundamentally a multiplayer company. The world is a positive-sum game, and every "competitor" is also a collaborator towards a common goal.   We ask ourselves "How can we help young people build a meaningful career and make a positive dent on the planet?"   In solving that problem, great ideas can come from anywhere.

Build For Tomorrow

We create with a long-term lens.   It's not just about who we help today, but equally, the downstream impact on the broader system in which we operate.   We always ask: “Are we improving human wellbeing and creating a more equitable career landscape?”   Great potential lies in uncharted territories, but in seeking out the hidden truths, growth and comfort do not coexist.

Open Mind, Stay Kind

We're not afraid to challenge one another in sharpening our hypotheses about the world. First and foremost, this must come from a place of kindness, trust and mutual respect.   We seek to straddle honesty and empathy in everything we do.   Proactively driving hard conversations is one half of the job. Listening to learn is the other.

Embrace Your Quirky Turkey

We want to define a world where work and play intersect, and in doing so, we strive to create a social fabric of honest, vulnerable and vibrant human connection.   To engage with each other at a richer layer beyond the job-to-be-done sparks joy, and this lively spirit ripples through our content, community & beyond.   Tech & startups are exciting, but fundamentally, we are human first, tech second (please don't hurt us, future AI overlords).

Let's chat

Come say g'day

If you are keen to collab, discuss careers, or just have a yarn.

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